About Us

The Church

We believe in One eternally existing God who created all things. God has revealed Himself to us as our Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and as the Holy Spirit, with distinct attributes but without division of nature, essence, or being.

Our Vision

Vision Statement

The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International is a non-denominational church and worldwide religious organization aiming at raising 21st century champions for the Kingdom of God. We intend to be a reformation center for the lost, afflicted and rejected, just like the “cave of Adullam”. Thus, we work towards seeing our members be revealed into the World as “MIGHTY MEN”. Prayer, Excellence and the Prophetic, is our hallmark.

The Bible says in Matthew 21:13, my house shall be called the house of prayer. The first mission of The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International is to reconnect the people of God with the true meaning, power, and benefits of prayer.  A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian and prayer is one of the weapons the Creator gave us to be able to operate on Earth.  The word declares in Eph. 6:12: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International is also a place of reconnection with the true essence of the prophetic. This world is ruled by forces behind the scenes, and without a prophet, we are just blindly moving.  The prophet is the eye of the church, and he is the one helping us follow the direction that will lead us to a victorious and prosperous life.

Last, but not least, The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International is a place of reconnection with the Word of God. Indeed, the Word of God itself is prophecy, because it proceeds from the mouth of God. We are very adamant at making sure our members are well-fed, balanced and deeply rooted in the Word, for this is the key that will allow them to resist the devil at all times, just like Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11

Our Mission

Mission Statement

Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unsaved

The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International Inc. shall have as its primary role the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and deliverance and hope to the afflicted, both spiritually, physically and materially.

Propagation of the gospel through other means of evangelism

The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International Inc. shall propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ to all parts of the world through evangelistic campaigns such as church services, counselling, conferences, open air crusades, TV and radio broadcasting, social media streaming, camps witnessing in secondary and tertiary institutions, hospitals, prisons and any other means not specified herein, so long as it is not contrary to the laws of the land.

Provision of poverty and other relief services

The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International Inc. shall engage in secondary role of providing alleviation of poverty relief and other relief services to promote the well-being of all poor and needy in the society.

Training and empowerment of our people and our youth

The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International Inc. shall train and empower people to become productive in their endeavors. As a ministry, we are most interested in imparting the young generation that is coming up, this new generation of young adults going into the corporate world, trying to make it. We believe that our purpose is bigger than working for someone else and we encourage every church member to become an entrepreneur. We want to impart wisdom and leadership qualities into the young men and women of Ghana, especially we want to encourage women to shoot for the stars. We have downplayed the role of women in our communities for far too long, it is time we allow them to thrive in their own abilities and skills.

Training, equipping and empowering of Christians for Outreach work

The Prophetic Prayer Palace Ministries International Inc. shall train, equip and empower Christians for Outreach work in the prisons, hospitals, brothels, missions to villages, towns, and cities across Ghana, Africa and the rest of the world.